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Butterfly Number One




Can be seen at the Texas Quilt Museum in the exhibit, "An Invitational Flutter of Butterfly art Quilts," April 3-June 29, 2014.

After that, the show will be traveling to other venues around the country until 2018. If you would like to purchase this quilt and are willing to wait for delivery, let me know!




68"x51" Fabric, thread, machine quilted, embellished with acrylic paint

I’ve worked with the butterfly image for many years and I like the idea of the butterfly and its relationship to transformation. In this piece, I have used flowers and leaves as the wings for this insect, showing how, in the process of transformation and change, something can appear to be one thing while it’s changing into another.  I used a digital photo printed onto cotton fabric, thread, acrylic paint and batting.



