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Convergence II: Slow Up






“Convergence II: Slow Up”

Painted Art Quilt, 42”x56”

Fabric, acrylic paint, thread, machine appliqué, machine quilted

Take the time to get in touch with yourself by “Slowing Up” today!   When you do this, you can remember what the next step on your path is which makes life so much easier for yourself and others.  “Slowing Up” gives you a new perspective because you can smell the roses and when you do this you KNOW what’s important and what your priority is.

This series is about bringing it all back home and wrapping it up.  It’s about calling back, bringing back and claiming my power.  It’s about allowing the creative process to flow through me and to express what it wants to express rather than worrying about what other people think.  I have enjoyed this process because it is my own and not based on fear.  I am committed to the authentic expression of me.  I have enjoyed doing this because I have finished some loose ends, and discovered a new beginning.  I like the bubbles representing ideas floating away into nothingness symbolizing letting go of anything that no longer serves me.