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  Affirmation   Quilt



This piece is on exhibit at the Texas Quilt Museum
in "Kimono Quilts and Kimonos." It will become
available in November, 2015



Affirmation Quilt





71"x61" Fabric, thread, acrylic paint, buttons, polymer clay, machine applique, machine pieced, machine quilted

My goal here was to collect the “missing pieces” of a project, putting them all back together and making something good; completing and making it whole.  This is what I have done in this piece.  I made the decision to put them together in a new way—to go back and look through aspects of the project which may have been discarded for one reason or another and to reinvent them.  This quilt is comprised of rejected remnants of my own and students’ work PLUS the idea of using a kimono shape—something I have been inspired to do by other quilt artists and the beautiful Japanese kimonos I have seen. It is a way of acknowledging my inspiration. The writing on the piece is an affirmation of new life. I affirm the transformation of the old into something new and fresh.